The first issue to run across is to put your existing documents into scrivener. Copy existing documents with footnotes into Scrivener Copy from LibreOffice From there, it’s easy to create Zotero connected footnotes. Here I will try to outline the process I found that will save footnotes from existing documents into Scrivener, and Scrivener created footnotes into exported documents.
#Scrivener zotero integration software
I don’t usually do that with software (as you can see, I like free and open source). Scrivener: The greatest writing software I’ve seen. I’m using the stand alone version, but you can use the Firefox extension as well. Zotero: I’m certainly biased, but Zotero is the greatest citation management software evar! Also free and open source. The steps will be basically the same if you are using Microsoft Word, just substitute that program for LibreOffice when it comes to it. Who knows how long I will have access to free Microsoft Word? LibreOffice (the fork of OpenOffice) will always be free and freely available. LibreOffice: Free and Open Source document software. So this is a quick write up of the tools I will use in writing my dissertation, and how I will use them. So now that I have finally started on my dissertation writing in earnest (and not grant writing), I needed to make sure that footnotes are usable in my work flow.

Scrivener is awesome software for writing, that I’ve mentioned before, but I had yet to really test out the integration with Zotero (my citation manager of choice). (This post is cross-posted at my personal blog)